Health Care Services Master Plan Update (2019)
The San Francisco Planning Department and the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) jointly produce the Health Care Services Master Plan (HCSMP). The HCSMP identifies current and projected needs for health care services in San Francisco, with a focus on vulnerable populations. The HCSMP is used by the Health Commission, Planning Commission, and the Board of Supervisors to guide health care and land use policy decisions.
The first Plan (the 2013 HCSMP) was adopted and came into effect on December 26, 2013, after an extensive public process. Planning Code Section 342 (Ordinance No. 300- 10) requires the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) and the San Francisco Planning Department to update the HCSMP.
The goals of the 2019 update to the HCSMP are to:
- Provide the most current and available local and state data describing health care services, capacity, utilization, as well as the distribution of health care services
- Highlight health disparities and critical health care and development issues that have emerged since 2013
- Update the assessment of land use controls and trends in medical services
- Update the HCSMP Consistency Determination guidelines
- Develop supporting legislation and longer-term policy recommendations to improve access to care
The first Plan (the 2013 HCSMP) was adopted and came into effect on December 26, 2013, after an extensive public process, as codified in Planning Code Section 342 (Ordinance No. 300- 10). The process to update and adopt the next iteration of the Plan (the 2019 HCSMP) was scheduled for early 2020.
In spring 2020, the Department of Public Health and the Planning Department were scheduled to bring the 2019 HCSMP to their respective Commissions for adoption, but these hearings were cancelled with the emerging COVID-19 pandemic and stay at home order. Given the continued focus of staff at DPH and Planning on COVID response and recovery, the 2019 HCSMP plan adoption has been postponed.
The HCSMP will be updated at a later date when the city is able to integrate and reflect COVID-19 impacts into the Plan.
Outreach and Adoption
Outreach activities supporting the development of the 2019 HCSMP include:
- Interviews with stakeholders in the health care and social services, real estate development, and neighborhood planning fields to hear their perspectives on San Francisco's current and future health care needs and trends in medical facility development
- Briefings to advocacy organizations and stakeholders
- A public workshop
- A public comment period
- Public hearings at the Planning Commission, Health Commission, and the Board of Supervisors
Materials and information from these events will be updated below. To receive updates on upcoming events and hearings, subscribe for email updates using the Contact tab.
Meetings and Hearings
Information will be posted here when items are completed.
- Informational Presentation at Planning Commission (12/12/2019)
- Informational Presentation at Planning Commission (12/07/2017)
Other Resources
For additional information on the Planning Department's work on HCSMP, please contact:
Josh Switzky
Deputy Director, Citywide Policy
Claire Lindsay, MPH
Project Manager
SF Department of Public Health
(415) 554-2667