The Planning Department’s Citywide Planning group develops plans for the City’s existing and evolving neighborhoods to meet the needs of current and future residents, workers, and visitors. Our work centers on inclusivity, sustainability, and economic vitality.

The Citywide group maintains the City's General Plan, which provides guidance to all city agencies and departments regarding urban design, land use, transportation, housing, open space, and other issues. Citywide Planning also develops policies and regulations through community-based planning efforts and citywide initiatives — such as zoning and planning code controls — that implement the General Plan.

The Citywide Division includes four content teams: 

Land Use and Community Planning

The Land Use and Community Planning team focuses on broad-ranging topics such land use and development policy, including engagement at the regional level; working with communities to craft comprehensive area plans for specific neighborhoods; and crafting site-specific master plans for large development sites.

Current efforts include:


The Transportation team works to improve and expand travel options needed to meet our racial equity, sustainability and housing goals in particular. The team works closely with various City agencies on short and long-range policies and projects to improve connectivity and make sure residents, students, visitors, and workers can get around quickly and safely.

Current efforts include:


Resilience and Sustainability

The Resilience and Sustainability team works to coordinate actions to mitigate risks and adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Our communities, buildings, infrastructure, and natural ecosystems are increasingly impacted by the worldwide climate crises.

Today’s planning, policy, and project decisions, as well as collective citizen action, are important tools for enhancing sustainable and healthy neighborhoods for everyone in the near term, and safeguarding a high-quality and climate-safe future for San Francisco. 

City Design Group

The City Design Group produces design resources for the City, including proposals for how buildings, transit and open space fit together in a neighborhood and convening partnerships to create public spaces.

Current Efforts include: