Project Status: Completed
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South of Market

Central SoMa Historic Resources Survey

The Central SoMa Historic Resources Survey is a planning effort associated with the Central SoMa Plan. It focuses primarily on buildings located in the Central SoMa Plan area that were constructed 45 or more years ago, and that have not been addressed by prior survey efforts.

The Central SoMa HRS was adopted by the Historic Preservation Commission on March 16, 2016 per HPC Motion No. 0277

The two primary features of this survey are the preparation of the Central SoMa Historic Context Statement and a reconnaissance level historic survey. The historic context statement is geared to aid in the identification and evaluation of previously undocumented age-eligible buildings (more than 45 years old) located within the Central SoMa Plan area. It includes a discussion of various property types, their significance, and the integrity thresholds necessary to register them as historic resources.

The context statement is being used to inform the historic survey, which has as its primary goal to determine which buildings in the study area are historically significant and which are not. Specific attention is being given to the identification of individual historic resources, as well as California Register eligible historic districts. The assignment of historic resource status codes will aid the Central SoMa planning process and will provide property owners and other interested parties upfront information on a property's historic status.

Note that most of the buildings in the Central SoMa Plan area were previously addressed by the South of Market Area Historic Resource Survey completed in 2010. For a combined map that shows the results of that survey, as well as all historic resources identified in the Central SoMa survey, click here.
(Map updated April 2015 to show the correct color for a number of properties already designated under Article 11. The map also corrects the historic rating for parcel 3786/035)

Past Events

December 9, 2015
6:00PM to 8:00PM
A public meeting regarding the Central SoMa Plan and Historic Resources Survey was held at the SPUR Urban Center, 654 Mission Street.
March 25, 2015
6:00PM to 8:00PM
A public meeting regarding the Central SoMa Plan and Historic Resources Survey will be held at the SPUR Urban Center, 654 Mission Street.

If you have further questions or comments, please contact:
Historic Preservation Survey Team
San Francisco Planning Department
1650 Mission Street, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94103